All Pakistan Declamation & arfana Kallam Competition 2012

A high profile event titled "All Pakistan Declamation & arfana Kallam Competition" was organized by Debating & Literary Society QAU Islamabad on November 14th,2012 at geo auditorium of Qauid I azam university Islamabad. Universities from different areas of Pakistan participated in the event. The purpose of organizing the inter-university competition was to provide the students of government and private universities of country, an opportunity to demonstrate their talent in extracurricular activities.
Some leading universities which participated in the event are :
Fatima Jinnah women university
National Defense University Islamabad
Comsats Institute of information technology Attock campus
Arid Agriculture University
Government college University Lahore
University of Sargodha
Pakistan Institute of engineering & Applied sciences
International Islamic University Islamabad
Dr. A. Q Khan institute and some others.....
The declamation contest was held in morning time, the president of QDLS Miss Ambreen Zahra Naqvi (dept of Biochemistry) presided the session. Madam Ayesha Jamil (head of F.M 92.4), Mr. Jawad Taqi (producer at Hadi channel) and Mr. Muddasir Iqbal (news anchor at capital t.v) were in the panel of judges.
In English Debate "Ahmed Chuhdry" of GCU Lahore got 1st position, "Khurram Illahi" of MAJU got 2nd position and "Roshan Amber" of university of Sargodha got 3rd position.
Whereas in Urdu debate "Fehmida Kanwal" of Comsats attock got 1st position, "Khuaja Yaseen" of GCU Lahore got 2nd position, "Tayyab Aamar" of MAJU got 3rd position.
The chief guest of this session Dr.Mehmood-ul-Hassan Butt distributed shields among the judges and paid thanks for their presence.
After lunch second event was held in afternoon, Saad Farooq coordinator of arts section opened the house for arfana kallam competition. "Mehfooz Khokhar Sahab" musical teacher at Loak virsa, a well known poet and writer was first distinguished judge. The second distinguished judge was Dr. Waheed Chuhdry a well known name of dept of anthropology having deep interest and support for co curricular activities in university.
In Arfana Kallam competition, after neck to neck contest Shahab-e-Saqib of International Islamic Universty got 1st position, Hassed-ul-Hassan of GCU Lahore got 2nd position and M. Bilal of MAJU got 3rd Position. The team trophy was won by Government college University Lahore.
The chief Coordinator of QDLS announced the result and congratulates the participants. Venerable Chief guest Dean Social Sciences "Prof Dr. Aetezaz Ahsan" enlightened the ceremony by his kind presence. Prof Dr. Aetzaz Ahsan, Dr. Mehmood-ul-Hassan Butt and Mr. Sarfarz khan (in charge Debating & literary Society) distributed prizes among the winning teams. Outstanding skills of the participating teams were immensely praised by the Chief Guest.
At the end the chief Coordinator of Debating & Literary Society "Miss Ambreen Zahra Naqvi" addressed the hall in which she said that
Quaid I azam university has always been in the top ranking universities of the country, it has always been a keen interest to prepare its students in such a manner that they become capable to meet the challenges of today's highly competitive world both in curricular and co curricular activities.
She also said the events like "All Pakistan Declamation & arfana Kallam Competition" are organized to offer a platform to our own students & students of other universities of the country an opportunity to make productive and appropriate use of their energies. She also mentioned that Prof Dr. Masoom Yasinzai Vice chancellor QAU Islamabad played a very supportive role in organizing events like this; she said it had never been possible without his support and guidance. She also remarked that the event turned out to be of great success with the efforts of In charge, Board of Governance, Coordinators and all the members of QDLS. She also thanked Mr.Sarfarz Khan (In charge Debating & literary Society) and Dr. Mehmood-ul-Hassan butt for their constant support and guidance. The higher management of QAU expresses its sincere gratitude to the management of participating universities for their invaluable support in this regard.